Season 3 - 6/10

Not that good of a season. Might rate it lower. Just too short, yknow?

S3E1/2 - 7/10

Actually I liked this beginning a lot. I liked the premise and was pretty hooked throughout.

S3E3 - 6/10

There were many Pinkie's in this episodes. It's a good episode but not AMAZING, yknow? I'm itching for an applejack episode.

S3E4 - 6/10

Another CMC episode (watched a day after CMC day!) but I'll give it a 6 because the song is absolutely banging.

S3E5 - 4/10

I don't like Trixie.

S3E6 - 2/10

THIS EPISODE IS SOOOO BORING AND SHIT (I do remember watching it a long time ago though) I skipped like 80% of the show. Sorry not sorry CMC.

S3E7 - 8/10 (23/11/2023)

Oh man the quality jump to this one is mad. I really liked this one a lot. I loved Rainbow's hesitance with the flying partner's ideas and her willingness to abandon her flying career for her friends and after realising how terrible they're doing things at the academy. Definitely a great episode.

S3E8 - 7/10

This episode was cringe as fuck. Like, Applejack doing all this shit which ruins everypony’s experience was a bit too much for me to handle so I had to skip some parts. But the episode was nonetheless great! The first Applejack episode of this season btw. I feel like the show has just been spending too much time on the side characters and not enough on the mane 6 so this is a very nice change of pace (also RD's prior episode was also good). I liked how this episode concluded and the music was banging.


(it has spike in the title, I was very cautious)

S3E10 - 7/10

I liked Discord's return and how he realised the fact that he could lose his only friend, Fluttershy. Definitely loved the duo. But sometimes, Fluttershy felt abit too out of character to reject her friends so quickly (though it's also a sign of her character growth). Overall, great episode!

S3E11 - 2/10

One of the worst MLP episodes yet.

S3E12 - 5/10

It's alright... I mean, it's an episode. Not much to say about this one.

S3E13 - ???/10

This is a very weird episode. For one, it set a record of 7 songs in one episode (5 if you want to be picky on what counts as a song) and wow, that is a lot of songs. I was genuinely so surprised to see this.

Okay first off, the pacing is so goddamn fast. So fast. Too fast. The problem with cutie marks in the first episode was wrapped up wayy too fast and though I really really liked the concept, it was just too quick. It would've been much better if this episode was split into two, where the cutie mark problem would be dealt with in the first episode, then the coronation and everything in the 2nd. And the 2nd episode would also include Twilight struggling with her new found wings if it's not enough, a good cliff hanger in my opinion.

And about that last part— I just, don't know. There was no prior buildup so it just kinda... happened which I didn't really like. I wish there was more of Twilight struggling with finding out about star swirl the bearded (or whatever his name was)'s academic paper. And her becoming a princess, then Celestia bowing!??? Hey hey, Celestia's the queen. She's not supposed to bow to a princess! but whatever it's just a nitpick. Twilight is now an alicorn? Umm, what? Takes a bit to process. No score for now.

Rewatching it 3 months after I wrote this review (11/2/24), I think it’s a great episode actually. I agree that it’s WAYYY too fast but the contents of the episode was great. There needs to be much more time spent in literally every aspect (the coronation song being longer would be extremely nice; I love that song). Twily finding that her friends matter a lot and whatnot should be taken slower. It felt like Twily sang a sad song (which is all well and good), then Spike told her “hey, your friends yknow”, then Twily was like “THAT’S RIGHT, MY FRIENDS!” and had a sudden inspiration. That’s crazy and very unrealistic. Other than her flashes of inspiration, I think the way the spell works, the way the spell is solved, and the alicorn thing is great. Of course, her alicorn thing should’ve been done like end of S4 instead of S3 but whatever.

Head back.